FY 2025 vehicle rates

Assigned Vehicle Rates

Assigned vehicle rates - effective July 1, 2024

Assigned Vehicle Rates
vehicle typemonthly lease
(3-month minimum, if available)
monthly lease with loanerpassenger maximums
Mid-Size Sedan$380.00$399.005
Accessible VanN/AN/A5
Large SUV$550.00$579.005/9
Small-Medium SUVCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Small Cargo VanCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing2
Cargo Van$386.00$406.002
Compact Pick-UpCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
1/2 Ton Pick-UpCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
3/4 Ton Pick-UpCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Truck ICall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Truck IICall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Truck IIICall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Truck IVCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Truck VCall our office for pricingCall our office for pricing 
Missed tollsN/AN/A 

Our campus address is 100 FS.  Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for FY 25:

We have a rental vehicle pick-up location on the west campus in Hospital Ramp 2. You can pick-up and return vehicles 7-days a week, 24 hours/day. Hourly rates are available for up to 4 hours.  Call our office for details.    

Some assigned vehicles are priced individually, and those rates are not on this form. Rates for those vehicles will be communicated separately.  If you need exact FY 25 rate information for a particular vehicle, please call our office. 

Unreported damage to rental or lease vehicles may be the responsibility of the department, up to $1,000.  An accident report must be completed for all damage. 

If you would like a loaner vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, you can choose the lease rate in parentheses above. This option allows you to use a loaner vehicle when needed without additional charges.   This rate does not guarantee a particular vehicle type, only that a vehicle will be provided. You can still choose the lower monthly rate and pay for a loaner as needed.

FY 2025 Daily

Rental vehicle rates - effective July 1,2024

Daily Rental Vehicle Rates
vehicle typeper mileplusper daypassenger maximums
Mid-Size Sedan$0.16 $38.005
Mini-Van$0.22 $45.007
Accessible Van$0.22 $45.005
Large SUV$0.30 $65.005/9
Small-Medium SUVN/A N/A 
Small Cargo VanN/A N/A2
Cargo Van$0.32 $41.002
Compact Pick-UpN/A N/A 
1/2 Ton Pick-UpN/A N/A 
3/4 Ton Pick-Up$0.52 $46.00 
Truck I$0.57 $66.00 
Truck IIN/A N/A 
Truck IIIN/A N/A 
Truck IVN/A N/A 
Truck VN/A N/A 
I-PASSN/A $3.00 (plus the cost of tolls) 
Missed TollsN/A $5.00 per toll (plus the cost of tolls) 

Our campus address is 100 FS.  Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for FY 25:

We have a rental vehicle pick-up location on the west campus in Hospital Ramp 2.  You can pick-up and return vehicles 7-days a week, 24 hours/day.  Hourly rates are available for up to 4 hours.  Call our office for details.   

Some assigned vehicles are priced individually, and those rates are not on this form. Rates for those vehicles will be communicated separately.  If you need exact FY 25 rate information for a particular vehicle, please call our office. 

Unreported damage to rental or lease vehicles may be the responsibility of the department, up to $1,000.  An accident report must be completed for all damage. 

If you would like a loaner vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, you can choose the lease rate in parentheses above. This option allows you to use a loaner vehicle when needed without additional charges.   This rate does not guarantee a particular vehicle type, only that a vehicle will be provided. You can still choose the lower monthly rate and pay for a loaner as needed.

Hospital Ramp 2 kiosk rates

Hospital Ramp 2 kiosk rates - effective July 1, 2024

The Kiosk option provides a convenient and easy way for faculty and staff on the West Campus to rent university vehicles allowing for 24/7 pick-up and return.

Mid-Size Sedan$0.16 $9.00$38.005
Mini-Van$0.22 $11.00$45.007
Large SUV$0.30 $16.00$65.005/9
IPASSN/A N/A$3.00 (plus the cost of tolls) 
Missed TollsN/A N/A$5.00 per toll (plus the cost of missed tolls) 


The Fleet Services’ Kiosk is in the south elevator lobby in the southeast corner of Hospital Parking Ramp 2. The Kiosk can either be approached from lower level 1 of the ramp or accessed through the hospital by using the south elevator. 

Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for kiosk rentals:

When submitting a Fleet Services requisition to pick-up a vehicle at the Kiosk, select “HR 2 Kiosk” from the drop-down for the Pickup location field.

ONLY the Primary Driver as listed on the submitted requisition will have access to check out and return the vehicle at the Kiosk. Contact our office if the Primary Driver needs to be changed to allow someone else to check out the vehicle.

Due to the parking needs of hospital patients and their families parking for personal vehicles is not provided.

Vehicles can only be picked up 15 minutes before the scheduled time. If updates need to be made to the pickup time of your reservation, please call our dispatcher to update your pickup time.

In consideration of the next person renting the vehicle please return the vehicle with a full tank of gas. The customer can re-fuel the vehicle either at the Fleet Services Fuel Island on campus or with a provided local use fuel credit card.   

Remember if you cancel your trip 2 hours or more before your scheduled pick-up time you avoid the 1-day late cancellation charge.

Rate examples: 

  • 3-hour trip in a sedan that went 25 miles:  3 hour @ $9/hr + 25 miles@ $0.16/mile = $31.00
  • 7-hour trip in a minivan that went 120 miles:  1 day@ $45 + 120 miles@ $0.22 = $71.40                       

FY 2024 vehicle rates

Assigned vehicle rates

Assigned vehicle rates - effective July 1, 2023

Assigned Vehicle Rates
vehicle type monthly lease
(3-month minimum, if available)
monthly lease with loaner passenger maximums
Compact Sedan $323.00 $340.00 4
Mid-Size Sedan $415.00 $432.00 5
Mini-Van $445.00 $482.00 7
Accessible Van N/A N/A 5
Large SUV $520.00 $547.00 5/9
Small-Medium SUV Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Small Cargo Van Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing 2
Cargo Van $386.00 $406.00 2
Compact Pick-Up Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
1/2 Ton Pick-Up Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
3/4 Ton Pick-Up Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Truck I Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Truck II Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Truck III Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Truck IV Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Truck V Call our office for pricing Call our office for pricing  
Missed Tolls N/A N/A  


Our campus address is 100 FS.  Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for FY 2024:

We have a rental vehicle pick-up location on the west campus in Hospital Ramp 2.  You can pick-up and return vehicles 24 hours/day.  Hourly rates are available for up to 4 hours.  Call our office for details.  

Some assigned vehicles not listed on this form and are priced individually.  Rates for those vehicles will be communicated separately.  If you need exact FY 23 rate information for a particular vehicle, please call our office.

Unreported damage to rental or lease vehicles may be the responsibility of the department, up to $1,000.  An accident report must be completed for all damage. 

If you would like a loaner vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, you can choose the lease rate in parentheses above. This option allows you to use a loaner vehicle when needed without additional charges. This rate does not guarantee a particular vehicle type, only that a vehicle will be provided. You can still choose the lower monthly rate and pay for a loaner as needed.

FY 2024 daily rates

Rental vehicle rates - effective July 1, 2023

Daily Rental Vehicle Rates
vehicle type per mile plus per day passenger maximums
Compact Sedan N/A   N/A 4
Mid-Size Sedan $0.15   $35.00 5
Mini-Van $0.20   $39.00 7
Accessible Van $0.20   $39.00 5
Large SUV $0.25   $60.00 5/9
Small-Medium SUV N/A   N/A  
Small Cargo Van N/A   N/A 2
Cargo Van $0.28   $41.00 2
Compact Pick-Up N/A   N/A  
1/2 Ton Pick-Up N/A   N/A  
3/4 Ton Pick-Up $0.52   $46.00  
Truck I $0.57   $65.00  
Truck II N/A   N/A  
Truck III N/A   N/A  
Truck IV N/A   N/A  
Truck V N/A   N/A  
I-PASS N/A   $3.00 (plus the cost of tolls)  
Missed Tolls N/A   $5.00 per toll (plus the cost of tolls)  


Our campus address is 100 FS.  Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for FY 2024:

We have a rental vehicle pick-up location on the west campus in Hospital Ramp 2.  You can pick-up and return vehicles 24 hours/day.  Hourly rates are available for up to 4 hours.  Call our office for details.  

Some assigned vehicles not listed on this form and are priced individually.  Rates for those vehicles will be communicated separately.  If you need exact FY 23 rate information for a particular vehicle, please call our office.

Unreported damage to rental or lease vehicles may be the responsibility of the department, up to $1,000.  An accident report must be completed for all damage. 

If you would like a loaner vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired, you can choose the lease rate in parentheses above. This option allows you to use a loaner vehicle when needed without additional charges.   This rate does not guarantee a particular vehicle type, only that a vehicle will be provided. You can still choose the lower monthly rate and pay for a loaner as needed.

Hospital Ramp 2 kiosk rates - effective July 1, 2023

Hospital Ramp 2 kiosk rates - effective July 1, 2023

The kiosk option will provide a convenient and easy way for faculty and staff on the west campus to rent university vehicles allowing for 24/7 pick-up and return.

Fleet Services Remote Kiosk Rental Rates
Vehicle type per mile plus per hour (up to 4 hours) per day (4 hours or more) passenger maximums
Mid-Size Sedan $0.15   $8.00 $35.00 5
Mini-Van $0.20   $9.00 $39.00 7
Large SUV $0.25   $15.00 $60.00 5/9
IPASS N/A   N/A $3.00 (plus the cost of tolls)  
Missed Tolls N/A   N/A $5.00 per toll (plus the cost of missed tolls)  


The Fleet Services’ kiosk is in the south elevator lobby in the southeast corner of Hospital Parking Ramp 2. The kiosk can either be approached from lower level 1 of the ramp or accessed through the hospital by using the south elevator.

Our Dispatcher’s phone number is (319) 384-0564.

Reminders for kiosk rentals:

When submitting a Fleet Services requisition to pick-up a vehicle at the kiosk, select “HR 2 Kiosk” from the drop-down for the Pickup location field.

ONLY the Primary Driver as listed on the submitted requisition will have access to check out and return the vehicle at the kiosk. Contact our office if the Primary Driver needs to be changed to allow someone else to check out the vehicle.

Due to the parking needs of hospital patients and their families parking for personal vehicles is not provided.

Vehicles can only be picked up 15 minutes before the scheduled time. If updates need to be made to the pickup time of your reservation, please call our dispatcher to update your pickup time.

In consideration of the next person renting the vehicle we ask that the vehicle be returned with a full tank of gas. The customer can re-fuel the vehicle either at the Fleet Services Fuel Island on campus or with a provided local use fuel credit card.   

Remember if you cancel your trip 2 hours or more before your scheduled pick-up time you avoid the 1-day late cancellation charge.

Rate examples: 

  • 3-hour trip in a sedan that went 25 miles:  3 hour @ $8 + 25 miles@ $0.15/mile = $27.75
  • 7-hour trip in a sedan that went 120 miles:  1 day@ $35 + 120 miles@ $0.15 = $53.00