Mandatory Trailer Towing Training
For those customers who use vehicles in our daily rental fleet for towing purposes, we have implemented an on-line, mandatory trailer towing training program. Any driver who will be towing a trailer with a vehicle rented from our daily rental fleet will need to complete this training.
This training will be required for any reservation after July 31, 2013 when the vehicle will be used for towing.
This training does not apply to departments that will be towing a trailer with a vehicle that is permanently assigned to that department. If you have any questions, please call (319) 335-5088.
Instructions to Register for the Online Trailer Towing Training
- In order for the Driver to access the training system, the Requestor must submit an Interdepartmental Requisition and the Online Driver Participant Form that includes a list of the people who need the training to drive on behalf of the University.
- Trailer Towing Training course
- User has access to ICON, cost is $8.00 per person
- User does not have access to ICON, cost is $6.00 per person
- Trailer Towing Training course
- Once the Requestor has submitted the requisition and the participant list, the driver will receive an email from the training vendor with their username, password and instructions on how to take the training.
- Once the Driver has successfully completed the training, it will be recorded in the Fleet Services database.
Please send the completed Interdepartmental Requisition and Driver Participant Form in one of the following ways:
- Campus Mail: 100 FS
- Email completed form to:
Once the training has been completed the driver will be able to use trailers with our rental fleet vehicles.