All main campus permits, with the exception of NW permits, are honored at university campus locations outside of the main campus including: Sports Medicine, Iowa River Landing, Health Care Support Services Building and Integrated Services Center. For example, if you have a permit for Lot 75 – Arena, you may park in Lot 45 – Sports Medicine.
Last Update: February 2025
Campus parking permits are typically managed by historical usage and turnover. Permits are lot specific and allow Parking and Transportation to manage the specific needs and demands associated with each lot / area of campus.
The university and UI Health Care require some employees to work on main campus and then other campus locations as needed. Where possible, Parking and Transportation may be able to honor main campus permits at these campuses, and vice versa. Each campus location presents unique circumstances and capacities.
Below is a summary of approved permit reciprocity arrangements on main campus by permit type or lot.
IRL Permits
The university coordinates with the City of Coralville to provide parking permits for employees who work at UI Health Care Iowa River Landing. Employees working at IRL can purchase a permit for either IRL or Intermodal parking permits for employees who work at IRL. The City of Coralville also currently allows all main campus parking permits to park in the IRL ramp.
IRL permits are honored in Lot 85 Hawkeye commuter. This accommodation will provide employees who split their time between UI Health c and IRL campus a place to park regardless of their scheduling duties.
HSSB Permits / Lot 221
HSSB permits can park in Lot 85 effective Spring 2020. This accommodation will provide employees who split their time between UIHC and HSSB campus a place to park regardless of their scheduling duties. Main campus permits can park at HSSB, except for N/W permits. Student permits will be honored at HSSB.
OAK Permits/ ISC Lot / Lot 201
OAK permits can park in Lot 85 to visit main campus. Main campus permits can park in OAK, except for N/W permits. Student permits will be honored at Oakdale campus.
Lot 45 Permits
Lot 45 is located near the Sports Medicine Clinic (OSMR) on the Hawkeye Campus. Parking Lot 85, Hawkeye Commuter permits are not able to park in this lot.