We had a customer this month who was traveling in a vehicle with keyless start. The driver left the Iowa City area, arrived at a gas station, and turned the vehicle off to fuel. When the driver pushed the button to start the vehicle there was a message on the driver information screen that said, “No Key Detected”. The driver looked around and could not find the vehicle key. The driver believes that the key fell to the ground as the vehicle was being loaded in Iowa City. As the car was running while being loaded, it continued to run. All was fine until the vehicle was shut off. The key needs to be in range of the vehicle in order for the vehicle to start and in this case, the key was on the ground in Iowa City. So, be extremely careful when using keyless start vehicles. Make sure that you keep the key on your person when in the vehicle. Once started the keyless start vehicles will run without the key. However, once you shut them off, they will not restart if the key is not in range.
Exterior Cleanliness of Rental Vehicles
The equipment we use to clean the outside of our rental fleet vehicles has been out-of-service due to renovations in the CAMBUS barn. Therefore, we have resorted to using a bucket of water and a brush to clean the outside of our vehicles. Our folks try to do the best they can but we miss some spots the automated brush wouldn’t. The renovations in the in the CAMBUS barn should be completed by the end of June and we should be able to use the automated brush then. In the meantime, please bear with us as we hand wash our vehicles.
Parking When in For Service
As was mentioned in an earlier article, the CAMBUS barn is undergoing some renovations. So, please do not pull your vehicle into the maintenance area unless requested to do so by one of our technicians. Due to the renovations, you cannot pull straight through the building so maneuvering inside the building is very difficult.
Also, when you drop off your vehicle for service, please park your vehicle to the west of the shop, right along the river. Then take your keys into the shop. Parking in this area makes it easier for the technicians to find your vehicle. Thanks for your help and understanding!!
Parking Your Vehicle When Driving One of Our Rental Vehicles
When you pick up one of our rental vehicles, we always ask you to, “…park on the other side of the telephone pole.” That is at the far, east side of our lot. We ask you to do that because there is less traffic on that side of the lot and less chance someone will bump into your vehicle.
Honest Mike’s Used Cars
Wow, things are really hopping and we have been selling a lot of vehicles!! Someone got a really good deal on a 2012 Chevrolet Suburban last week. Currently listed for sale are a Ford E350, 15-passenger van and a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan. Both of those close early next week. Soon we’ll have a Ford Focus, some more minivans and some pick-up trucks. Remember, our site has been re-located to GovDeals.
Vehicle Damage Reporting
Please remember that you have two business days to report damage to Fleet vehicles after it occurs. Reporting, means completing an accident report. In the last month, we have had three incidents of damage that were not reported, and no one could remember what happened. In each of those cases, since the damage was not reported in a timely manner, the departments were responsible for the first $1,000 of damage.
Fleet Factoid
How many vehicles can you name that have an animal name? For example the Ford Bronco or the AMC Marlin. I got about 20. The source I checked listed 46. Visit the UI Parking and Transportation Facebook page for the complete list.
Fleet Services Info
Manager: Mike Wilson
Phone: (319) 384-0564
Fax: (319) 335-5865
Hours: 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Fall and spring only: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Saturday
Shop Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Shop Phone: (319) 335-5105
Fueling Hours: 24 hours/ 7 days a week
E-mail: Fleet-Services@uiowa.edu
Web Site: Parking and Transportation - Fleet Services
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