Due to the pandemic, Cambus and Parking Operations are working strategically to reduce transit ridership from Parking Lot 85, Hawkeye Commuter during the winter months. Parking Operations is temporarily relocating permit holders from Parking Lot 85 to closer, more convenient and walkable, parking locations from Nov. 9 through March 31. Permit holders will be emailed with their temporary reassignment location the week of Nov. 2.
To make the relocations possible, Parking Lot 85 permit holders are being relocated to underused capacity throughout the west campus. Weather or other uncontrollable factors may require that the temporary relocations end prior to March 31. Data analysis to determine how many permit holders can be temporarily added to each parking lot also accounts for the typical impact of snow events.
Parking Lot 85 permit holders may choose to not accept the temporary reassignment. However, CAMBUS Hawk Lot-Hospital service is being reduced while the reassignments are possible. Some of the Parking Lot 85 service is being reallocated to the Hospital-Finkbine Arena route during morning and evening commute times to help accommodate permit holders reassigned to Parking Lot 65, Finkbine Commuter. CAMBUS will be announcing service details the week of Nov. 9 for the upcoming break periods and the fall virtual instruction period.
Permit holders may notice west campus parking lots are more full than usual. It is recommended for west campus permit holders to allow extra time finding a parking space. The flexibility of all faculty and staff permit holders is appreciated to accommodate this temporary adjustment during the winter due to the pandemic.