New Fleet Services Requisition
In March we teased our new Fleet Services Requisition and highlighted some of the new features and key changes that are coming. We are getting closer and closer to unveiling the form to our customers and we can’t wait to put it into production. Fleet Services staff is currently using and testing the new software on the backend and the plan is for it to go live to customers on June 1. We are planning a special edition of the newsletter and some tutorial videos to help customers get accustomed to the new form.
**A couple of important things to know before the transition.**
- Any requisitions already submitted to Workflow using our current req. will transfer over automatically to the new one.
- Drafts will not transfer over, if you have drafts saved in our current requisition they will be lost.
- Requisition history since 1/1/2019 will carry over to the new requisition for you to view or search.
- Please make sure any submitted requisitions still pending Workflow approval get approved prior to June 1.
- If you need to reserve a vehicle for a date after 6/8, we kindly ask that you wait to submit it until the new requisitions is live. This will minimize the number of requisitions we need to manually import into the new system and give you the opportunity to try the new form.
- One important change to point out is the new form and process will require a requisition to be fully approved in Workflow before the vehicle can be picked up.
GPS Devices Being Discontinued
Coinciding with the release of the new Fleet Services Requisition we will stop offering our GPS navigation devices for rental. The bottom line is they are outdated technology and have become less and less popular with customers over the years. The vast majority of GPS requests are cancelled at the counter when a customer comes to pick up their vehicle most often just opting to use their phones for more accurate GPS directions.
Roadside Chat Message Boards
Have you ever seen something fun or clever on a road sign like, “Get your head out of your apps”? In Iowa there is a program called Roadside Chat that uses the network of dynamic message boards on state highways to display fun and creative driving safety messages designed to catch people’s attention. The program relies on message suggestions submitted by the general public. All messages must be related to highway safety and focus on the four specific areas or driver safety: buckle up, slow down and drive chill, drive sober, and pay attention.
Some of our favorites include: “Kids drive like their parents”, “Road rage, let the Wookie win”, and a holiday themed one “Buckling up can save your giblets”. You can read some of the previous messages on the DOT’s website. Do you have any clever ideas? Submit your own message for consideration.
Fleet Services Severe Weather Procedure
When severe weather pops up and the sirens go off, we lock our doors and evacuate to the CAMBUS barn until we get the all clear. If you have a reservation scheduled to pick up during a severe weather event, please call our office ahead of time. Our phones will be forwarded to a manager’s cell phone and they will give you instructions to get your vehicle. We will also leave a sign on our door so you know where we are.
Fleet Factoid
It’s the Month of May and in the motorsport world that means it’s time to start gearing up for the Greatest Spectacle in Racing, the Indianapolis 500. This article from Jalopnik goes through a list of 18 automotive innovations that either debuted in the race or gained popularity through their use in a running of the 500. Some of these innovations include the usage of a rearview mirror first used in 1911, seat belts first used in 1922, front wheel drive (1924), and crash data recorders (1993). Check out the article to click through the whole list.
Contact method | Details |
Manager | Mike Wilson |
Phone number | 319-384-0564 |
Fax number | 319-335-5865 |
Hours | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday |
Shop hours | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday |
Shop phone | 319-335-5105 |
Fueling hours | 24 hours/7 days a week | | |
Website | |