New Fleet Services Requisitions for Daily Vehicle Rentals
Our new Fleet Services Requisition has been released and is now available for your use. The location is the same in Self-Service, in the General Systems and Tools tab. This is the requisition home page. The new requisition asks for similar information to the old version, but there are some enhancements that make the form easier to use and more functional. Below are some details and related links highlighting some of the updates.
IPASS or K-Tag Only easier to rent
The new requisition includes the IPASS in the Vehicle Class drop-down. This makes it easier to rent just an IPASS for use in a Fleet Services vehicle that is assigned to your department.
Customers can edit reservations after workflow approval
That’s right, you can change pick-up dates, times, the vehicle class, the MFK, almost anything you want up to 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up. To make changes within 24 hours of pick-up, please call our office. Please note that the requisition must be completed through workflow before any changes are allowed by the initiator, but approvers have the ability to make any changes before they approve the requisition.
To make the edit, select the “Upcoming Requisitions” tab at the top of the requisition home page. Find the appropriate reservation “card.” Then click on the blue “Edit” link at the bottom of the card. Then make the necessary changes and click submit. You will receive an email confirmation when we have reviewed the change.
Hints and examples available
Throughout the new form, you will see small, blue circles with a lower-case “i.” Clicking on the dot will give you more information about that section of the form. It might be a definition, examples of possible entries, or information on why that field is important.
Workflow Approval Must be Completed Before Vehicle Pick-up.
One significant change is that that all workflow approvals must be completed before the vehicle can be picked up. However, under Universal Workflow, there is some flexibility to substitute approvers if someone is out of the office.
Do you have any favorites?
You can now store drivers and MFKs as “favorites” and easily choose those when making a reservation. You can also assign “aliases” for MFKs to make them easy to remember. For example, you could enter an MFK and call it “Dr. Smith’s NIH Grant” or “Chemistry Dept Travel Fund” anything that makes sense to you. You can maintain your favorites from the “My Favorites” tab at the top of the requisition home page.
New cost estimate function
We’ve added new functionality to provide a cost estimate for your trip. You will need to enter information into a new field, called “Estimated Round Trip Miles” to get an accurate estimate. We even include the IPASS daily charges in your estimate if you select the IPASS option. However, tolls incurred on the trip are not in the estimate and will be billed after the vehicle charges.
Using this function helps you budget and will allow you to compare different vehicle classes and choose the one that best meets your needs. Providing the estimated miles for the trip is not required, but the more accurate your mileage estimate the more accurate the cost estimate.
Automated parking permit
Our new requisition allows you to enter vehicle information for a personal vehicle for a parking permit in the lot outside our building. Adding this information to the reservation makes pick-up quicker and easier for the driver. If the initiator selects “Yes” to the question, “I will leave my vehicle at Fleet Services,” the initiator will be required to enter the information for the vehicle that will be parked for the duration of the reservation. Then, when the rental vehicle is picked up, a parking permit is generated automatically for that vehicle. If the vehicle information needs to be changed, that can be done up to 24-hours before the scheduled pick-up or the driver can update the information at pick-up.
Make a calendar entry
Another new feature is that you can make an Outlook calendar entry when you have a Fleet Services vehicle scheduled to pick up. To make the calendar entry, go to the Requisition home page and click on the “Upcoming Requisitions” tab at the top of the page. Find the appropriate reservation card and click on the “Download .ics File” at the bottom of the page. Open and click save to add a 30-minute appointment (at the scheduled pickup time) with the reservation details to your calendar.
Why do we ask for a cell phone number?
An optional field in the new requisition asks for the driver’s cell phone number. We will use that number to reach out if we see a driver having difficulties with the fuel card or if we receive a driving complaint.
Contact method | Details |
Manager | Mike Wilson |
Phone number | 319-384-0564 |
Fax number | 319-335-5865 |
Hours | 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday |
Shop hours | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday |
Shop phone | 319-335-5105 |
Fueling hours | 24 hours/7 days a week | | |
Website | |