Thursday, June 20, 2024

Evashevski Drive will be closed to through traffic between Hawkeye Ramp Drive and Hawkins Drive on Saturday, June 22. The temporary closure is necessary to repair glass on the north end of the stadium.

Please observe and follow all posted signage and use caution around work areas. For your safety and the safety of the construction crew, do not enter closed areas. 


Saturday, June 22 from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Vehicle impacts

Access to nearby parking lots and ramps will be maintained. Eastbound traffic will be routed along Hawkeye Ramp Drive to Hawkins Drive. Westbound traffic will be routed along Hawkins Drive to Melrose Avenue. 

Pedestrian impacts

Due to sidewalk closures, pedestrian traffic along Evashevski Drive will detour to the skyway. To enter the skyway, please use entrances at the West Campus Transportation Center (WCTC) and Hospital Parking Ramp 3 and proceed to via the stairs or elevator to the skyway level.