Brian McClatchey has announced his plans to retire in January 2025. As Cambus manager, he has guided
Cambus through many transitions into an outstanding public transit service that provides 2.5 million rides each year. McClatchey’s commitment to service excellence and Cambus as a student operated system have helped Cambus grow and rise to the occasion to serve our continually evolving campus.
McClatchey started with Cambus in 1987 as the coordinator for the department and holds a master’s degree in public policy. Over the past three decades, his position has been reclassified several times as the services evolved. Brian has led Cambus through several important times including:
- Significant campus and department growth
- Certification as a federally compliant transit agency
- The 2006 tornado response
- The 2008 flood response
- Development of the West Campus Transportation Center
- The 2020 pandemic response
- Several generations of buses
- The incorporation of new transit technologies
"We thank Brian for his service and know the organization he has helped build will continue Cambus’ commitment to excellence," says Debby Zumbach, associate vice president and director of parking and transportation.
Retirement celebration
Friday, Jan. 10, 2024
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
CAMBUS Maintenance Facility
517 South Madison Street
Iowa City, Iowa 52242