
All public parking facilities on the University of Iowa campus have designated accessible parking spaces. Use of these spaces requires a state issued disability parking permit or a disability license plate. These accessible parking spaces are located in cashiered structures, cashiered surface lots, and at meters, are designated by a sign as reserved. Public cannot park in parking lots reserved for employees and/or students.

Faculty, Staff and Student


Policy for assigned parking space has been established in accordance with the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. All faculty, staff and students with disabilities who wish to apply for a University of Iowa Accessibility Parking Permit must present proof of possession of a state issued disability parking permit or a disability license plate.

Faculty, staff, and students with disabilities who desire access to an employee or student parking facility, may apply for parking privileges in the same manner as an employees or students without a disability. Employees with proof of the state disability parking permit will have their name placed on the appropriate waiting list or they will be assigned to an available parking lot within the employee parking options. The University seniority date is the criteria used for placement on the employee waiting list. When their name rises to the top of the list, they will be offered the first available permit in that lot. The expiration date of the state issued disability permit will be entered into the parking system. If the employee is still on the waiting list for a parking facility at the time of expiration of the permit, the employee is required to provide an updated state issued disability permit in order to maintain their position on the waiting list.

Students will be assigned a proximate parking location, based on availability.

The purpose of the policy is to provide reasonable parking access to faculty, staff and students. Employees and students with UI accessibility parking permits must continue to follow the University of Iowa Parking Rules and Regulations, including making payment for their permit. Individuals with the UI accessibility parking permit can use the permit to park in all standard parking spaces within the parking facility. If the individual desires, or requires, the use of the designated ADA parking spaces, they must also display their state issued disability parking permit.

Once issued the UI accessibility parking permit, the permit must be displayed at all times while parking on campus, within your assigned parking facility.

Permanent UI Accessibility permits do not allow the employee or student to park in the designated ADA parking spaces. In order to utilize these spaces the user must display a state issued disability parking permit in conjunction with their UI accessibility permit.


Effective 10/1/19

The University may provide short-term parking to faculty, staff and students with disabilities by offering temporary parking permits in University Parking Facilities.

  • To qualify for this program, you must present a state issued temporary disability parking permit to the University of Iowa Parking and Transportation Department. View process for disability parking placards through Iowa DOT
  • Temporary UI Accessibility permits will coincide with the expiration dates of your State issued temporary disability parking permit.
  • You may be assigned to a closer parking facility based on available space.
  • UI Accessibility permits will be sold on a monthly basis at the normal monthly rate for the facility.
  • Daily rates and fees apply for the facility if parking without a valid Temporary UI Accessibility permit.
  • When parking in Hospital Ramp 1, Hospital Ramp 2 and Hospital Ramp 4 you are subject to an Employee in Ramp parking violations. You must provide the Parking Department with accurate license plate information to prevent being ticketed.
  • Temporary UI Accessibility permits do not allow the employee or student to park in the designated ADA parking spaces. In order to utilize these spaces, the user must display a state issued disability parking permit in conjunction with their UI accessibility permit.


If you have questions, contact