July 23, 2020
Update July 30, 2020: additional details added regarding stop closures
University of Iowa CAMBUS is announcing service changes for the Fall 2020 semester. Service changes strategically reduce the number of riders on each bus and reduce riding time on a bus, both in response to COVID-19.
Service changes are effective Monday, Aug. 17 through Friday, Nov. 20. The changes will be re-evaluated for the winter and spring service.
Some riders will see reduced time spent on a bus through a combination of more direct routes and temporary stop closures. Detailed guides for student and faculty and staff focused services will be provided by early August.
Decisions are based on agency data, including rider boarding and estimated trip loads, and were approved by the UI Critical Incident Management Team. CAMBUS service may change to best support critical operations of the UI and UI Hospitals & Clinics.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, CAMBUS has modified operations to accommodate social distancing measures to the best extent possible. CAMBUS also has increased cleaning and disinfecting practices to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
All CAMBUS riders must wear a face covering. Currently, riders should enter and exit the bus through the rear doors. Front door boarding will resume soon and a notice will be provided at that time. Detailed information of CAMBUS’ responses to the pandemic can be found at transportation.uiowa.edu.
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Bus stop closures
Fall 2020 bus routes
Transit App
Iowa City Area Transit Study
Student planning
Faculty and Staff planning
Temporary bus stops closures
Stop closures were strategically made based upon proximity to the next closest bus stop and whether that stop is a walkable distance. Walkable trips are defined as trips that do not exceed 0.5 miles or 10 minutes but other factors - terrain, elevation, accessible paths - are also considered.
Parking and Transportation remains committed to provide campus access to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors. If a stop closure or relocation impacts a persons access to campus, please contact CAMBUS. Students, staff, and faculty with a disability are also eligible for the Bionic Bus, which provides door-to-door service in accordance with ADA requirements.
List of closed bus stops
IMU (Iowa Memorial Union)
Seamans Center
Main Library
Clinton and College streets
Clinton and Prentiss streets
ERF (Engineering Research Facility)
Church Street North
Church Street South
Softball Complex
River Street and Riverside Drive
Pride and Cultural Centers (centers temporarily closed during fall 2020)
Temporary relocated bus stops: Burge Hall and Currier Hall
The bus stops at Burge Hall and Currier Hall have been temporarily relocated to one block East to Dubuque Street. The Interdorm-WCTC route provides transportation from these stops to the Pentacrest and on to the West Campus, as well as to Mayflower.
Fall 2020 bus routes

Image note: System map does not include Research Park Route. See Research Park schedule page for map of Research Park.
CAMBUS is strategically reducing the number of riders on each bus and reducing riding time on buses, both in response to COVID-19. New routes were created and others were modified, including being renamed to better align with the service area or current campus terminology.
Route name changes
East Campus Shuttle is now South Campus Shuttle
Hospital via Hancher is now Hancher-Newton Road
North Hospital Shuttle is now VA Loop Shuttle
Hawkeye Express is now Hawkeye-Pentacrest
CAMBUS services provide essential trips that are not generally perceived as walkable. General or multiple purpose routes (e.g. Red Route, Hawkeye-Interdorm) that cover a wider service area are being divided into shorter routes (e.g. West Dorm Shuttle, Interdorm-WCTC) for more direct service throughout the day and increased frequency.
Click on the route name for complete schedule, route map, and more information about changes for Fall 2020. An asterisk(*) denotes a route name change.
Large circulators and Main Campus routes
Route now serves the West Campus Transportation Center to provide a connection between main campus and the Hawkeye Campus.
Mayflower Shuttle
Expanded weekday service hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
West Dorm Shuttle*
New route for reliable, frequent service between the west residence halls and the Pentacrest.
South Campus Shuttle*
Formerly called East Campus shuttle. No changes in route or service hours for fall 2020.
Red Route and Blue Route
Weekday service: 7 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Red and Blue Route services will be suspended during weekdays before 7 p.m. to more directly allocate bus service to the highest areas of need. Resources were reallocated to the Hancher routes, West Dorm Shuttle, and Mayflower Shuttle routes. Mayflower Hall will be served during all Red and Blue Route trip.
Health Sciences Campus routes
Research Park
As a result of the ICAT Study, Research Park will have a new route deviation west of 12th Avenue in Coralville. The route is also extended to include one additional departure from the VA Loop at 6:45 p.m.
Weekday Service: 6 a.m. – 9 p.m., 20-minute frequency all day
Service provided after 9 p.m. via the On-Demand Shuttle
As a result of the ICAT study, service now provided all day, 6 a.m. - 9 p.m., 20-minute frequency to provide more consistent and frequent connections between the Hawkeye Campus, Health Sciences Campus, and the Pentacrest
Hancher-Newton Road*
Expanded service hours, 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. to provide commuter services between Hancher, Lot 55 and Newton Road
Hancher Parking Lot and Arts Campus routes
Hancher-Newton Road*
Expanded service hours, 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. to provide commuter services between Hancher, Lot 55 and Newton Road
New route, providing more direct service between Hancher, Lot 55 and the Pentacrest
Finkbine Commuter and Arena Parking Lot routes
Expanded frequency during AM and PM peak commute times
Weekday Service: 6 a.m. – 9 p.m., 20-minute frequency all day
Service provided after 9 p.m. via the On-Demand Shuttle
VA Loop Shuttle*
No changes in route or schedule for fall 2020.
On-Demand Shuttle
Weekday Service: 8:45 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Provides on-demand services to Parking Lots 55, 65, 75, and 85
Hawkeye Commuter/Hawkeye Campus routes
Hawk Lot-Hospital
As a result of the ICAT study, now providing all day service on weekdays, 4:40 a.m. - 9 p.m. with 10-minute off-peak frequency
As a result of the ICAT study, service now provided all day, 6 a.m. - 9 p.m., 20-minute frequency to provide more consistent and frequent connections between the Hawkeye Campus, Health Sciences Campus, and the Pentacrest
Hawkeye Interdorm
As a result of the ICAT study, now a night and weekend route
Weekdays Service Hours: 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Weekend Service Hours: 11 a.m. - 1 a.m.
Technology and Transit App
CAMBUS has a new passenger information system, Transit, that includes guided navigation and trip planning. Using the Transit app can help riders understand how to navigate the new services for fall 2020, including walking directions and locating nearest bus stop.
Iowa City Area Transit (ICAT) Study
Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit, and CAMBUS completed a comprehensive operational analysis of area transit between fall 2019 and spring 2020 facilitated by consulting group Nelson/Nygaard. ICAT Study sought to improve services and assist with strategic planning for area transit. Community feedback and input was prioritized in the study with robust participation in on-board surveys, open houses, and online surveys of consultant proposals. CAMBUS will be implementing several recommendations from the study in the fall service plan, primarily aimed at improving service to and from the Hawkeye Campus.
A comprehensive analysis of campus-wide transit data was completed using 2019-2020 academic year data. A detailed analysis of transit-dependent student areas data was completed to evaluate service needed to decrease occupancy for less-walkable trips.
Boarding data and predictive models were used for the Slater Hall and Mayflower Hall stops. Both stops are student-centered with existing high-frequency service due to their proximity to other campus locations. The service changes will provide even greater frequency, and modeling predicts changes will be effective in reducing occupancy.
CAMBUS routes also will be temporarily detouring off of North Clinton Street, between Church Street and Market Street, to reduce the number of riders on buses between the east residence halls and the Pentacrest. It is approximately a six-minute walk between the farthest east residence hall and the Pentacrest. Routes will instead travel on Dubuque Street with stops at Bloomington Street for students needing to complete a longer trip.
Faculty and staff
CAMBUS adjusted routes that serve university faculty and staff parking lots (Lots 65, 75, and 85) throughout the spring and summer of 2020. Ridership data analysis has shown those changes to be effective in reducing the number of riders on each bus. Changes made to commuter routes will remain in place for the fall 2020 semester.
Parking Lot 85, Hawkeye Commuter service is being streamline based on recommendation from the recent Iowa City Area Transit Study (ICAT Study) and an internal department review. The Hawkeye-Hospital route will be discontinued, so daytime resources are allocated to just two routes for increased frequency. Daytime services are primarily provided by the Hawk Lot-Hospital and Hawkeye-Pentacrest (formerly Hawkeye Express) routes and Hawkeye Interdorm during the late evening. The streamlined services also help achieve the necessary reductions in occupancy and time on board.