In partnership with the GME office, Parking and Transportation provides parking accommodations that prioritize the GME Program needs. The GME Parking Program includes priority parking permits and a parking access card that assists with on-call parking and night and weekend parking.
Parking permits
Parking is limited on campus, and the Parking and Transportation department provides the GME Office an allotment of parking permits that are an exception to the university’s faculty and staff assignment policy. The permits for Lot 43, Lot 75, Lot 65, and Night Weekend are assigned by the GME office to individuals and charges are payroll deducted.
Your assigned parking lot is your primary parking location on campus and should be used when working daytime business hours.

The UI Parking and Transportation Department uses your vehicle’s license plate as your permit credential on campus. It is important that you add your license plate to your account in the Parking Portal before parking on campus. Failure to add accurate vehicle information could result in a parking citation.
Permit eligibility
The GME parking program is only available to UI Health Care employees under the GME (Graduate Medical Education) program with GME approved PZ classifications, or as authorized by the Director of Parking and Transportation.
Having a parking permit on campus means that you agree to UI Parking and Transportation’s Terms of Service and Rules and Regulations.
Cancelling your permit
Virtual permits are non-expiring, meaning that the parking permit must be cancelled to stop incurring charges. Employees leaving the university must notify Parking and Transportation prior to the last day of employment to terminate parking credentials and charges.
Permits can be cancelled using the Cancel Permit Form on the Parking and Transportation website.
If you cancel your permit, you are not guaranteed the same location again. Parking Lot 65, Finkbine or Night Weekend (NW) permits have immediate availability for GME residents.
GME access card privileges
An access card is provided in combination with UI GME parking permits (43, 75, 65, NW) that provides daytime on-call parking access to select parking ramps and Night Weekend privileges.
GME may use their access card for daytime on-call parking in Hospital Ramp 3 or Newton Road Ramp. Hourly charges for use of these facilities Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. will be billed to their account.
Outside these daytime weekday hours, the access card provides night and weekend no-cost parking in Hospital Ramp 3 or Newton Road Ramp (Night and Weekend Privileges).
GME permits may use their access card at Hospital Parking Ramps 1, 2, and 4 during night weekend program hours – from 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 a.m. weekdays and all weekend.
Parking Ramps 1, 2, and 4 are reserved for patients during weekday hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday). Any vehicle registered to a university employee parking in these facilities during these hours without an appropriate permit, including those using NW privileges, may be subject to a citation and fine.
When should I park in the ramp?
GME parking permits are exceptions to our normal parking permit policy to allow you to have close parking regardless of seniority. Thus, your permit lot should be used for the majority of your daytime parking needs.
If you are called back for a patient care emergency during the daytime and parking in your normal location will impact your ability to respond, please park in a ramp.

No, use permit lot:
For weekday parking between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for a regular shift including during inclement weather.
Card holders may be sent to park in their assigned lot if attempting to access the ramps for regular parking.

Maybe, consider options:
If parking in your permit location will impact your ability to respond to patient care emergency, please park in a ramp. When ramps are full, other nearby options include Parking Lots 43 and 75.
You may be issued a citation, but it can be appealed and cancelled if you’ve been called back for a patient care emergency.

Yes, park in ramp:
If you are parking at night or on the weekend (weekdays 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 a.m. and all weekend), space is always available in parking ramps for employee parking.
Access card use
For on-call parking, vehicles with a valid GME Parking Permit may park in Hospital Ramp 3 or Newton Road Ramp between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, according to the hourly rates.
If using the ramps for non-emergency parking, you may be sent to park in your assigned lot by attendants.
Free Parking Hours
All remaining hours, including weekdays from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. and the entire weekend (from 3:30 p.m. on Friday through 8:30 a.m. Monday), are free of charge for permit holders. Night and Weekend Privileges
License Plates and Vehicle Registration
You can register up to three license plates with your GME parking permit, but only one vehicle at a time can be parked at at time.
Remember, simultaneous parking of multiple vehicles will result in tickets for each vehicle.
How to use your access card
- When entering the ramp, pull to a stop with the driver’s side window in line with the card reader. Present the card to the face of the reader, holding it parallel to, and no more than three inches from, the target decal on the reader surface.
- The time and location of the entry will be noted. Use the same procedure to exit. Calculations for fees will be based on these entry and exit times.
- To use GME Access Card Program privileges, participants must always use the access card to enter or exit the ramps.
- Do not pull a transaction ticket upon entry and attempt to use the card when exiting. This will result in a daily maximum charge for every incident.
- Use of the card for consecutive entries without a paired exit (or consecutive exits without a paired entry) is prohibited and may result in a daily maximum charge for each incident.
- Use the card to exit when the gates are up late at night. Simply stop, present the card to the reader. Your exiting time is noted even though the gate does not respond.
Never share, transfer or pass-back a parking access card. Each incidence will result in a daily maximum charge and is considered theft. If you forget your card you will be required to pay the full cashiered amount. Employees can monitor any accumulated fees through Employee Self-Service. To access this information, log in to Self-Service. Select “My Parking” then “Review My Parking Transactions.”